I principali risultati scientifici del progetto NextData sono stati presentati alla conferenza annuale della Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima, tenutasi al Campus Scientifico Ca’ Foscari dell'Università di Venezia, a Venezia-Mestre, il 17-18 Ottobre 2018.
Le presentazioni NextData, sul tema "Cambiamento climatico sulle montagne italiane e nella regione del Mediterraneo", sono riportate di seguito.
Sessione NextData 1 - 17 Ottobre, 10:50 - 13:00
10:50-11:10 C. Baroni (Univ. di Pisa) A new database for reconstructing the spatial-temporal evolution of the glacial resource in the Italian Alps.
11:10-11:30 E. Palazzi (CNR-ISAC) The Archive of datasets of the NextData project.
11:30-11:50 S. Gualdi (CMCC) Changes in extreme temperature and precipitation and their effects on the hydrological cycle of the Alpine region.
11:50-12:10 A. Reder (CMCC) Evaluation of the performance of Regional Climate Models simulation at different spatial and temporal scale over the Alpine Region.
12:10-12:30 S. Terzago (CNR-ISAC) Sensitivity of snow models to the accuracy of the meteorological forcing in mountain environment: the NextSNOW experiment.
12:30-12:50 F. Giorgi (ICTP) 21st century projections of summer precipitation and winter snowmelt over the Alpine region from high resolution RCM experiments.
12:50-13:00 Poster flash talks.
Sessione NextData 2 - 17 Ottobre, 15:00 - 19:10
15:00-15:20 P. Cristofanelli (CNR-ISAC) Atmospheric composition observations by a network of background environmental-climatic observatories in Italy: the NextDATA contribution.
15:20-15:40 M. Freppaz (Univ. di Torino) Changes in snow cover characteristics alter soil C and N cycling in mountain areas.
15:40-16:00 M.C. Salvatore (Univ. di Pisa) Multitemporal glaciers inventory of the Italian Alps, a basic tool for reconstructing the ongoing climate change.
16:00-16:20 E. Arnone (Univ. di Torino) Elevation dependent climate change in the greater Alpine region.
16:20-16:40 M. Doveri (CNR-IGG) The foothill aquifer system of the Piedmont Alpine zone: geology, hydrogeology and groundwater chemistry.
16:40-17:00 G. Pretto (Sapienza Univ. Roma) Effects of grazing pressure on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the alpine grassland of Brocon: a multidisciplinary approach.
17:00-17:10 Poster flash talks.
Sessione NextData 3 - 18 Ottobre, 9:00 - 11:10
9:00-9:20 N. Pinardi (CMCC) The history of salinity anomalies in the Mediterranean Sea from 60 years reanalysis.
9:20-9:40 V. Artale (ENEA) Determination of the climate long-term changes by SST spectral analysis, in the northwestern Atlantic and Mediterranean focusing on the satellite era (1982-2016).
9:40-10:00 F. Lirer (CNR-IAMC) Past climate variability over the last millennia in the Mediterranean area: a contribution of NextData project.
10:00-10:20 M. De Amicis (Bicocca Univ. di Milano) Spatial data infrastructure for Paleo proxy data to reconstruct Italy climate of the last 2k years.
10:20-10:40 C. Baroni (Univ. di Pisa) Tree-ring reconstructions of past climate at the regional scale: extending back in time summer temperature variability in the Italian Alps and the central Mediterranean.
10:40-11:00 V. Maggi (Bicocca Univ. di Milano) Comparing tree-ring and pollen climate reconstructions in a central region of the Italian Alps.
11:00-11:10 Poster flash talks.