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Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Features of Metamorphic Carbonate Aquifers and Implications for Water Management: The Apuan Alps (NW Tuscany, Italy) Case Study

TitoloHydrodynamic and Geochemical Features of Metamorphic Carbonate Aquifers and Implications for Water Management: The Apuan Alps (NW Tuscany, Italy) Case Study
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsDoveri M, Piccini L, Menichini M
Book TitleKarst Water Environment
EditionYounos T., Schreiber M., Kosič Ficco K. (eds) Springer
ChapterHydrodynamic and Geochemical Features of Metamorphic Carbonate Aquifers and Implications for Water Management: The Apuan Alps (N
Series VolumeThe Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
ISBN Number978-3-319-77367-4
Parole chiaveGroundwater vulnerability, Karst springs, Metamorphosed carbonate aquifer, Preferential groundwater flow paths, Water isotopes
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