I dati delle simulazioni sono distribuite sul Server THREDDS CMCC.
In Tabella 1 sono riportate tutte le simulazioni con il periodo e le condizioni al contorno usate per effettuare queste simulazioni.
Tabella 1. Riassunto delle simulazioni climatiche globali CMCC disponibili nell'archivio NextDATA
Model |
Components and resolutions |
Experiment |
Period |
References |
Atmosphere ECHAM4.6, 1.1°x1.1 Ocean OPA8.2-ORCA2, 2°x2°
Preindustrial CMIP3-picntrl |
1761-1860 |
Gualdi, et al., 2008, J. Climate, 21, 5204–5228.
Bellucci, et al., 2008 Clim. Dyn, 31, 759–777
Historical CMIP3 -20c3m |
1870-2000 |
A1B scenario CMIP3-sresa1b |
2001-2100 |
A2 scenario CMIP3-sresa2 |
2001-2100 |
1% increase to 4XCO2 CMIP3-1pctto2x |
1870-2100 |
Atmosphere ECHAM5, 0.8°x0.8 Ocean OPA8.2-ORCA2, 2°x2° Mediterranean Sea NEMO-MFS, 1/16°x1/16° |
Historical+A1B CMIP3 20c3m+sresa1b |
1950-2100 |
Gualdi et al. 2013, Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc., 94, 65-81 |
Atmosphere ECHAM5, 0.8°x0.8 Ocean OPA8.2-ORCA2, 2°x2°
Preindustrial CMIP5 |
1550-1850 |
Scoccimarroet al., 2011, J Climate 24, 4368–4384 |
Historical CMIP5 piControl |
1851-2005 |
RCP8.5 scenario CMIP5 |
2005-2100 |
RCP4.5 scenario CMIP5 |
2005-2100 |
1% increase to 4XCO2 CMIP5 1pctCO2 |
1851-1990 |
Atmosphere ECHAM5, 0.8°x0.8 Ocean OPA8.2-ORCA2, 2°x2° |
decadal predictions CMIP5 historical+RCP4.5 3-members ensemble simulations, starting at 5-years intervals from 1960 to 2005 |
1960-2035 |
Bellucci et al. 2012, Clim. Dyn., DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1468-z |
CMCC-CMS (Stratosphere resolving)
Atmosphere ECHAM5, 1.8°x1.8 L95 Ocean OPA8.2-ORCA2, 2°x2°
Preindustrial CMIP5 |
1350-1850 |
Weare, et al., 2012 J. Geophys. Res., 117, D01103, doi:10.1029/2011JD016247
Manzini, et al. 2012, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L05801, doi:10.1029/2011GL050771
Cagnazzo et al. 2013, Clim Dyn, 41, 3039-3054 |
Historical CMIP5 piControl |
1851-2005 |
RCP8.5 scenario CMIP5 |
2005-2100 |
RCP4.5 scenario CMIP5 |
2005-2100 |
CMCC-CESM (Earth System Model)
Atmosphere ECHAM5, 1.8°x1.8 L95; Land-Vegetation SILVA; Ocean OPA8.2-ORCA2, 2°x2°; Marine Bio-Geo-Chemistry PEGASUS;
Land-Vegetation SILVA; Ocean OPA8.2-ORCA2, 2°x2°; Marine Bio-Geo-Chemistry PEGASUS; |
Preindustrial CMIP5 |
1550-1850 |
Fogli, P. G., et al. 2009, CMCC Res. Pap. 61, Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici, Bologna, Italy.
Vichi et al. 2011 Clim. Dyn. 37, 1929-1947 |
Historical CMIP5 piControl |
1851-2005 |
RCP8.5 scenario CMIP5 |
2006-2100 |
1% CO2/year CMIP5 1pctCO2 |
1851-2020 |
CMCC/INGV CIGODAS Global Ocean Data Assimilation System |
CIGODAS - OPA8.2 Global Ocean 2°-0.5° ORCA2, 31 vertical levels
Forced run CIGODAS Control |
1958-2010 |
Masina et al. 2011 Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Vol. 52, 341-366. doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce. 2011.03.006 |
OI1 Reanalysis CIGODAS OI1 |
1962-2001 |
OI2 Reanalysis CIGODAS OI2 |
1962-2001 |
OI3 Reanalysis CIGODAS OI3 |
1958-2006 |
OI4 Reanalysis CIGODAS OI4 |
1958-2006 |
OI5 Reanalysis CIGODAS OI5 |
1958-2011 |
CMCC - OceanVar
OceanVar - OPA8.2 Global Ocean 2°-0.5° ORCA2, 31 vertical levels
LR01 Reanalysis OceanVar LR01 |
1961-2005 |
Storto et al. Mon. Wea. Review, 139, 738-754. |
LR04 Reanalysis OceanVar LR04 |
1961-2005 |
MDT1 Reanalysis OceanVar MDT1 |
1992-2005 |
MDT2 Reanalysis OceanVar MDT2 |
1992-2005 |
MDT3 Reanalysis OceanVar MDT3 |
1992-2005 |
MDT4 Reanalysis OceanVar MDT4 |
1992-2005 |
C-GLORS (CMCC Global Ocean Reanalysis System): NEMO 3.2.1 + LIM2 + Global OceanVar 0.25° ORCA25, 50 vertical levels
FORCED1 (SPINAUX_NEW_CORR_BB). Forced run for testing ocean model for MyOcean |
1989-2009 |
Ferry et al., 2011 Myocean Report MYO-WP4-PUM-GLOBAL-REANALYSIS-PHYS-001-004, available at www.myocean.eu.
Storto et al.. 2011 Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 738–754
Storto et al., 2012 Ocean Sci., 9, 611-648 |
FORCED2 (SPINAUX_NEW_CORR_BB_PC2). Forced run for testing ocean model for MyOcean |
1989-2009 |
FORCED3 (CTRL03). Forced run for testing ocean model for MyOcean |
1979-2010 |
CORR1 (CTRL). Test correction on forcing fields |
1979-2010 |
CORR2 (GWX). Test correction on forcing fields |
1989-2007 |
CORR3 (EiGWX). Test correction on forcing fields |
1989-2010 |
CORR4 (WINDSTRESS). Test correction on forcing fields |
1989-2010 |
CORR5 (BESTRUN). Test correction on forcing fields |
1979-2010 |
FLUXES (E40). Forcing strategy |
1958-2001 |
BULK (BULKEI). Forcing strategy |
1989-2009 |
CHLA (CHLOROP). Ocean model tuning |
1989-2009 |
C-GLORS v1 (REANAL04). V1 for MyOcean reanalysis production |
1993-2009 |
C-GLORS v2 (REANAL10). V2 for MyOcean reanalysis production |
1993-2010 |
Tabella 2. Lista delle variabili disponibili
temperatura media a 2m temperatura massima a 2m temperatura minima a 2m temperatura (dew point) a 2 m precipitazione albedo cloud cover pressione sul livello del mare pressione radiazione (shorwave e longwave) umidità relativa a 2 m runoff neve temperatura della neve temperatura del suolo componente U del vento a 10 m componente V del vento a 10 m velocità massima del vento a 10 m