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Balestrini R, Delconte CA, Sacchi E, M WAlana, Williams MW, Cristofanelli P, Putero D.  2016.  Wet deposition at the base of Mt Everest: Seasonal evolution of the chemistry and isotopic composition. Atmospheric Environment. 146:100-112.
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Zollo A.L., Rianna G., Mercogliano P., Tommasi P., Comegna L..  2014.  Validation of a simulation chain to assess climate change impact on precipitation induced landslides. Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment. :287-292.
Davini P, von Hardenberg J, Corti S.  2015.  Tropical origin for the impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the Euro-Atlantic climate. Environmental Research Letters. 10(9):094010.
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Cristofanelli P, Putero D, Adhikary B, Landi TC, Marinoni A, Duchi R, Calzolari F, Laj P, Stocchi P, Verza G et al..  2014.  Transport of short-lived climate forcers/pollutants (SLCF/P) to the Himalayas during the South Asian summer monsoon onset. Environmental Research Letters. 9(8):084005.
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Duchi R, Cristofanelli P., Marinoni A, Bourcier L., Laj P., Calzolari F, Adhikary B, Verza GP, Vuillermoz E, Bonasoni P.  2014.  Synoptic-scale dust transport events in the southern Himalaya. Aeolian Research. 13:51-57.
Cristofanelli P., Landi T.C., Calzolari F., Duchi R., Marinoni A., Rinaldi M., Bonasoni P..  2016.  Summer atmospheric composition over the Mediterranean basin: Investigation on transport processes and pollutant export to the free troposphere by observations at the WMO/GAW Mt. Cimone global station (Italy, 2165 m a.s.l.). Atmospheric Environment. 141:139-152.
Marra F, Florindo F.  2014.  The subsurface geology of Rome: Sedimentary processes, sea-level changes and astronomical forcing. Earth-Science Reviews. 136:1-20.
D'Onofrio D, Palazzi E, von Hardenberg J, Provenzale A, Calmanti S.  2014.  Stochastic rainfall downscaling of climate models. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 15:830-843.
Terzago S, Palazzi E, von Hardenberg J.  2018.  Stochastic downscaling of precipitation in complex orography: a simple method to reproduce a realistic fine-scale climatology. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 18(11):2825-2840.
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Ricciardelli E., Cimini D., Di Paola F., Romano F., Viggiano M..  2013.  A statistical approach for rain class evaluation using Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager observations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 10(11):13671-13706.
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Terzago S, von Hardenberg J, Palazzi E, Provenzale A.  2014.  Snowpack changes in the Hindu-Kush Karakoram Himalaya from CMIP5 Global Climate Models. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 15:2293-2313.
Terzago S, von Hardenberg J, Palazzi E, Provenzale A.  2017.  Snow water equivalent in the Alps as seen by gridded data sets, CMIP5 and CORDEX climate models. The Cryosphere. 11(4):1625-1645.
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Pieri AB, von Hardenberg J, Parodi A, Provenzale A.  2015.  Sensitivity of Precipitation Statistics to Resolution, Microphysics, and Convective Parameterization: A Case Study with the High-Resolution WRF Climate Model over Europe. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 16(4):1857-1872.
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Mariotti L., Diallo I., Coppola E., Giorgi F..  2014.  Seasonal and intraseasonal changes of African monsoon climates in 21st century CORDEX projections. Climatic Change. 25(1):53-65.
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