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P4 - Development of ensembles of regional of regional climate change scenarios, with focus on variability, extremes and uncertainties in areas of complex topography, RECCO (REgional Climate in Complex Orography)

Work Pachage :

WP 1; WP 2; WP3; WP4


Development of ensembles of regional climate change scenarios, with focus on variability, extremes and uncertainties in areas of complex topography, RECCO (REgional Climate in Complex Orography).

Project duration: 2013-2015

start date (in the first semester 2013): 1 May 2013

end date (in the second semester 2015, no later than 30 September 2015): 30 September 2015

Scientific coordinator of the proposed project:

Silvia Trini Castelli

CNR Institute coordinating the proposed project:

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate - ISAC

Participating units :

Unit 1 : Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) - Silvia Trini Castelli and Antonio Parodi.

Unit 2 : Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) - Filippo Giorgi.

Unit 3 : Cineca - Giovanni Erbacci.

Unit 4 : Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) - Fabio Madonna.


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