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Viterbi R, Cerrato C, Bassano B, Bionda R, von Hardenberg A, Provenzale A, Bogliani G.  2013.  Patterns of biodiversity in the northwestern Italian Alps: a multi-taxa approach. Community Ecology. 14:18-30.
Cattaneo L., Montesarchio M., Bucchignani E., Mercogliano P..  2015.  Performance comparison of three high resolution configurations over Alpine region.
Lirer F, Sprovieri M, Vallefuoco M, Ferraro L, Pelosi N, Giordano L, Capotondi L.  2014.  Planktonic foraminifera as bio-indicators for monitoring the climatic changes occurred during the last 2000 years in the SE Tyrrhenian Sea. Integrative Zoology Journal. 9:542-554.
Negri A, Amorosi A, Antonioli F, Bertini A, Florindo F, Lurcock PC, Marabini S, Mastronuzzi G, Regattieri E, Rossi V et al..  2014.  A potential global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) for the Tarentian Stage, Upper Pleistocene, from the Taranto area (Italy): Results and future perspectives. Quaternary International.
Palazzi E, von Hardenberg J, Provenzale A.  2013.  Precipitation in the Hindu-Kush Karakoram Himalaya: observations and future scenarios. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 118(1):85-100.
Palazzi E, von Hardenberg J, Terzago S, Provenzale A.  2015.  Precipitation in the Karakoram-Himalaya: a CMIP5 view. Climate Dynamics. 45(1-2):21-45.
Coppola E, Giorgi F, Raffaele F, Fuentes-Franco R, Giuliani G, LLopart-Pereira M, Mamgain A, Mariotti L, Diro GTefera, Torma C.  2014.  Present and future climatologies in the phase I CREMA experiment. Climatic Change. 125(1):23-38.
Brattich E, Liu H, Tositti L, Considine DB, Crawford JH.  2017.  Processes controlling the seasonal variations in 210Pb and 7Be at the Mt. Cimone WMO-GAW global station, Italy: a model analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP). 17:1061-1080.
Scoccimarro E., Villarini G., Vichi M., Zampieri M., Fogli P.G., Bellucci A., Gualdi S..  2015.  Projected Changes in Intense Precipitation over Europe at the Daily and Subdaily Time Scales. Journal of Climate . 28:6193-6203.